Oct 01, 2018

Older human rights champions on the International Day of Older Persons

Media release United Nations

Seventy years after its adoption, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) remains important and relevant as ever. We remain free and equal in dignity and rights.

To commemorate this anniversary, this year’s International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) will celebrate the older people around the world who dedicate their lives to championing human rights.

Older human rights champions today were born around the time of the adoption of the UDHR in 1948.

They are as diverse as the society in which they live: from older people advocating for human rights at the grass root and community level to high profile figures on the international stage.

Each and every one demands equal respect and acknowledgement for their dedication and commitment to contributing to a world free from fear and free from want.

The celebration of older human rights champions will raise the visibility of older people as active members of society committed to improving the enjoyment of human rights in many areas of life and not just those that affect them immediately. Older people are increasingly recognised as active holders of rights and full participants in society.

IDOP 2018 provides the ideal opportunity to do this while raising awareness of the ageism and age discrimination that older people face.

Join in the celebration with the United Nations in the celebration and tweet using: #IDOP2018 #standup4humanrights #AgeingEqual

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