Aug 12, 2021

Aged care advocate, Pat Sparrow, resigns from ACSA

Pat Sparrow resigns from ACSA

Ms Sparrow now plans to take up the top job at eye health peak body, Vision 2020, later next month.

ACSA chairman Sara Blunt shared her thoughts on Ms Sparrow’s tenure during her five years in the role and the impact that she has had on the sector through one of its most difficult periods. 

“Patricia’s knowledge, hard work and leadership have left us stronger than ever before, despite the tremendous difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity of the royal commission, and the big structural and regulatory changes that have come as a result,” Ms Blunt said.

“Among Patricia’s most important achievements are her powerful advocacy through the royal commission and pandemic, bringing together a complex federated body of representatives while maintaining national unity, several specific regulatory and public health reforms, and perhaps, most significantly, her leadership role in achieving significant reforms including an unprecedented increase in government funding.”

Ms Blunt also noted that newly appointed ACSA CEO, Paul Sadler, is one of Australia’s most experienced aged care leaders, which will be invaluable in leading the sector out of the pandemic. 

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  1. Pat will certainly be missed. She was the strength behind the entire residential care system, practically unsupported by other associations or colleagues.
    With a bit of support and willingness the residential sector could have turned itself around but after six years of virtually no progress people will understand her wanting to move on. Thanks Pat.

  2. Yes under her watchful eye, Aged Care has gone from strength to strength ? The Aged Care Royal Commission made the changes from what others demanded and exposed!

  3. Sad to see Patricia Sparrow moving on, but not surprising. Our sector has been hammered from pillar to post, and we can see how hard it has been for peak bodies to get the message through to a clueless government and regulator, who are steamrolling changes to the sector in order to look good for an upcoming election and to avoid public criticism.

    Paul Sadler appears to be a great replacement, however he has only recently moved on from PresCare, most likely due to the same issues, so he will see the same at ACSA, maybe as the CEO of ACSA he will have more luck, and will be an activist for providers to hold government and the regulator to account publicly. Hopefully he is able to break through, but with the amount of leaders and staff leaving the sector, it is more likely the damage is irreparable.

    Even more sad is that if we all vote for the alternative at the next federal election, we will get more of the same, as there doesn’t seem to be any daylight between the two parties’ approach, only rhetoric. For those that remain, we will continue to do our very best to care for our residents, despite the challenges we face, as they are the reason we work in this sector.

  4. I am sorry to see Pat leave as over the years she has welcomed me as a “consumer” to conferences . and I thank her for the part she has played in the sector recognising the role of the “people with lived experience :.


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