Jul 31, 2024

Australia’s First Pride Café For People With Dementia Celebrates Milestone

Dementia Australia is celebrating one year of the country’s first Memory Lane Café for members of the LGBTI+ community living with dementia. [iStock].

Dementia Australia is celebrating one year of the country’s first Memory Lane Café for members of the LGBTI+ community living with dementia, their families and carers, and encouraging people to get involved.

In a first of its kind, the café which operates out of the Victorian Pride Centre, offers members of the LGBTI+ community an inclusive cafe environment for companionship and connection to vital dementia services.

Dementia Australia Executive Director Services, Advocacy and Research Dr Kaele Stokes said people from the LGBTI+ community living with dementia can face unique challenges, so it is important they have a safe space that meets their needs.

“LGBTI+ people living with dementia have often experienced discrimination or been denied access to inclusive services,” Dr Stokes said.

“Experiences like these can lead to feelings of isolation, which is why all of us at Dementia Australia are so proud that the LGTBI+ Café can offer a place for connection and inclusion.”

LGBTI+ Memory Lane Café volunteer Neale Gerlach said as a member of the LGBTI+ community who worked in aged care for over 30 years, he understands the value the café holds.

“Many LGBTI+ people can find themselves at odds with mainstream society, and living with dementia can further add to experiences of social isolation and exclusion,” Mr Gerlach said.

“It’s such a treat to be able to come together regularly to chat, socialise and have a singalong in such a special and welcoming place.”

The LGBTI+ Memory Lane Café, Victorian Pride Centre is a collaborative initiative between Dementia Australia, Victorian Pride Centre and Lifeview Residential Care. The café operates every six weeks with entertainment and light refreshments included.

Café attendance is free, but reservations are required. For more information or to secure your spot, please call 9815 7864 or email vic.memorylanecafe@dementia.org.au.

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  1. Pride is essential for queer individuals with dementia as it validates their identity, fosters a sense of community, ensures inclusive care, and maintains their dignity and self-worth.

    For queer folks with dementia, pride serves as a reminder of their identity and history, providing a sense of belonging and validation. It helps them connect with others who share similar experiences, reducing feelings of isolation and discrimination.

    In caregiving settings, understanding and respecting their queer identity through pride promotes person-centered care, improves communication, and enhances overall well-being. It ensures that their unique needs are met with sensitivity and acceptance.

    Maintaining pride by having a space to have share a coffee ☕️ and connect with others is so important especially in a safe and affirming space

    Overall, pride for queer folks with dementia is a powerful affirmation of their existence, worth, and resilience, enriching their journey through dementia with dignity and respect. We all belong together


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