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Instead of prolonging life, a dying patient’s final wish is an antidote for our times

“I am worried that you’re getting sicker. Help me understand your wishes.” In a way, this is an impossible question for a man too breathless to talk. The moment his oxygen mask shifts, what little he says is lost in the jangle of machines. The flashing numbers are not compatible with life but, disturbingly, the... Read More

Books, books, books – a fun way of turning the tide

Books have always been an integral part of my life. Back in the day, children such as I were called book worms. Is that still a thing amongst the digitally-hooked young today? Anyway, I was, and I still am, one such, now balancing my reading between loyalty to physical books and the convenience of ebooks. Read More

That reverse mortgage scheme the government has re-announced, how does it work?

Many Australians have never heard of the Pension Loans Scheme, and many more assume it’s just for pensioners, which is understandable given its name. Read More