Apr 26, 2023

Digital intervention to decimate depression for home care recipients

depression home based aged care to publsih

With more than one million Australians receiving in-home aged care, a lack of access to adequate and appropriate mental health treatments is a growing concern. 

It is estimated that up to half of the older people who choose to age at home experience significant symptoms of depression but many lack accessible treatment options. 

A new project led by Swinburne University of Technology and leading home care provider Silverchain will seek to address this problem by co-designing and piloting a digital intervention for depression for older adults living at home. 

The project has received funding from Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA). 

The program, called e-EMBED (Electronic-Enhanced Management of Home-Based Elders with Depression) employs digital technologies to deliver effective psychological strategies to home care clients.  

Digital delivery allows older people the opportunity for self-directed and autonomous engagement with these treatment strategies for depression, and access to a broad range of resources to improve their well-being.

Swinburne clinical Geropsychologist, Professor Sunil Bhar, said the project builds on the partnership’s previous work that found older people were interested in using digital technologies to support their well-being.  

“The next step is to develop and pilot the digital psychological intervention for depression and evaluate its use in the home context,” he explained.

“The design of the final product needs to be carefully planned together with people with depressive symptoms based on their preferences, level of digital literacy, and comfort using technology to improve their health and well-being.”  

Silverchain Director of Research Discovery, Professor Tanya Davison, said this is the first digitally-enabled mental health intervention developed specifically for the home aged care setting.

She said that “this program will enable older Australians to access evidence-based treatments and communicate effectively with a mental health clinician in the comfort of their own homes”.  

“Our team will develop new tools to tailor digitally enabled approaches to meet the needs and preferences of individual older people.”

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