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Oakden victim fears Royal Commission will disappoint

  The new 2020 year dawned for most of us with a little extra hope and perhaps a little more optimism. There was a feeling the year could be a catalyst for renewal and that a determined mind could make this year better than the previous ten.  Many around the nation have their parents alive... Read More

Reg Day, 97, will be thinking of lost mates this Remembrance Day

  In 1941, Reg Day was among the first group of 18 year olds to be called up to join the Australian Army. He spent two years in Dutch New Guinea (now part of Indonesia), and has vivid memories of difficult times, but more good times, and many friendships formed along the way.  This Remembrance Day... Read More

Disappointing announcement means no change, no relief for older Australians

The Government’s statement today from the Prime Minister and the Ministers for Health, Aged Care and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission Interim Report, is once again a disappointment. It fails to address the real causes, as described by the Report, of the ‘shocking tale of neglect’ that... Read More