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Remember the Physical Therapy Subsidy?

  The aged care community and its consumers are desperately searching for positive change. A significant determinant of the current stagnated system is the current funding tool. That fact has been recognised and is in the process of redevelopment. But have we been too quick to completely discard a valuable idea due to its close... Read More

Senior Volunteers: How China is Giving the Elderly Purpose

Older people often have a lot of free time on their hands – they may be no longer working, their children are all grown up and their social circles are dwindling as time goes on. And it’s been generalised in the past that older people are a “burden” on society, and that they have little... Read More

“Leaving work each day I always felt like I didn’t do enough for residents”

Submitted by Anonymous Feeling run down, overworked and – it goes without saying – underpaid. Now I’m not complaining because I really love my job. I am a nurse. I have worked passionately as a nurse for years now. My passion has always been for caring for the elderly and aged care. But I can’t... Read More