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“I’m curious: Does anyone’s facility have any ADF working with them yet?”

Many aged care workers are welcoming the defence forces’ assistance, but there are also concerns the help won’t go anywhere near solving the sector’s underlying problems. Read More

Sensory experiences in aged care: “We often underestimate the power of our senses”

If you have visited Braemar Cooinda in Melville recently; you could be forgiven for thinking you’ve stepped into a beautiful forest thanks to new wall decals in the facilities’ lifts. Linking the various floors at Cooinda, the lifts were originally installed in a standard stainless steel cladding. However resident feedback suggested a preference for something... Read More

How to adopt a care culture where residents are involved in a meaningful way

Ensuring a culture of care is about enabling staff, residents and families/loved ones to provide details ‘at the point of care’ to aid the timeliest accurate decision making. Read More