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New data suggests aged care still plagued by problems even after the royal commission

Shocking data reveals there were nearly 10,000 reportable incidents in aged care homes in the first three months of the year, including 6,000 for the unreasonable use of force and 500 for unlawful sexual contact. Read More

Government want your thoughts on Aged Care Code of Conduct draft

A draft of the Code of Conduct for Aged Care, released late September, has been developed to protect older people accessing aged care services and the Department of Health and Aged Care is looking for public review and consultation from people working in the aged care sector. Read More

Counselling almost always happens in a room – what if more people had the option of going outside?

During COVID, many therapists took their sessions online. But others went outside, sitting on a park bench with their clients or taking a leisurely stroll through a nearby park. Read More
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