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Community in shock after suspected murder of pregnant aged care nurse

Police are appealing for public assistance after the body of a pregnant aged care nurse was found in the Perth suburb of Dayton. Read More

Elderly man mentally unfit to stand trial for wife’s murder

  A 74-year-old man has been declared mentally unfit to face trial for the stabbing death of his wife at their Merrylands home in Sydney’s western suburbs. Father-of-three, Vincenzo Coluccio allegedly stabbed his wife Elia Coluccio while she slept before washing the knife and driving himself to the Merrylands police station where he told officers... Read More

Should more pets be allowed in aged care facilities?

  Seniors are being forced to leave their pets behind when they move into aged care. A study by the Animal Welfare League of Australia found that while 63 per cent of Australian households have a pet, only 18 per cent of residential aged care facilities allow residents to live with a pet. And while... Read More
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