Mar 07, 2018

Elder abuse and aged care

Abuse and neglect in aged care and the relationship to quality – Ian Yates, AM CEO COTA Australia Interviews Dr Julie MacKenzie, Senior Legal Officer, Australian Law Reform Commission about her enquiry into elder abuse in Australian Aged Care. #agedcarequality18

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7 Most Common Symptoms Of The Menopause And How To Cope With Them

Unfortunately for all women there will come a time when our female hormones go into free fall. The average age of starting the menopause is anything from early 40s right into the 50s. Generally ladies will experience the pre cursor to the menopause, called the perimenopause, around our 40s, where the symptoms start to become... Read More

The Importance of Influenza Vaccination – Aged Care

The Importance of Vaccination When it comes to older Australians, contracting the flu can have deadly consequences, and being vaccinated before the winter months can make all the difference to the wellbeing of an elderly loved one. Hear from expert in the field Professor Robert Booy. Read More

Confounding fees hide the great aged care swindle

As a nation, we’re watching on as a royal commission investigates the quality and safety of our aged care system amid allegations of widespread corruption and abuse. In the shadows of the investigation’s more arresting revelations, a lesser-known story, though equally important, has begun to unfold. Under the radar, elderly and disabled Australians are being... Read More