Jun 29, 2023

Elderly couple dies one year apart, suspected to share the same murderer

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Detective Inspector Mark McEachern said police are treating the deaths of Brenda and Lynton Anderson as murder. [Source: ABC New/ Tony Hill]

South Australia Police believe the same person murdered an elderly couple who died a year apart. 

The deaths of Brenda and Lynton Anderson, both 94, have been declared a Major Crime Investigation by police after each of their toxicology results showed similar abnormalities. Brenda died on March 16, 2022, and her husband Lynton died only last month on May 1.

Detective Inspector Mark McEachern said the results provided the suspicion both were murdered by the same person.

“When an innocent explanation for toxicology abnormalities was eliminated, the possibility Mrs Anderson’s death being a deliberate act by another party became the primary subject of the investigation.”

Brenda was being treated for medical issues at Noarlunga Hospital in March last year when her condition deteriorated and was transferred to Flinders Medical Centre where she died.

“Mrs Anderson’s hospital death was identified during the coronial investigation process after toxicology results gave significant rise for concern,” Det Con McEachern explained.

“Police have no concerns about the level of care in either hospital which was exemplary.”

Lynton was found to be unconscious at his Hackham home by a carer on April 30. He was taken to the Flinders Medical Centre and died the following day.

Det Con McEachern said they had a potential suspect but remained tight-lipped about them.

Police urge anyone with any information about the couple’s deaths and the circumstances that led to them to come forward – particularly those who have any knowledge of prescribed or non-prescribed medications either of the victims was using.

You can contact Crime Stoppers via their website or on 1800 333 000. You can remain anonymous.

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