Jun 10, 2022

Elderly man moved to tears by kindness of teen as he returns lost wallet

Elderly man moved to tears by kindness of teen as he returns lost wallet

With the events of the past few years still on everyone’s mind, it can often be easy to feel discouraged with the world.

However, one recent act of kindness charmingly injected new life into having faith in strangers for one Singaporean man and his family.

AsiaOne shared the charming story, returning to his niece in Kluang, Malaysia after seeing family in another city, Zhou Liangxin was keen for the journey to end and in his fatigue, accidentally disembarked the bus at the wrong stop.

Much to his horror, he had left his wallet containing roughly $727 dollars in one currency and $136 in another. Zhou was dismayed at having lost such a sum.

Unbeknownst to Zhou, a Malaysian teen had found the wallet on the bus and contacted the bus company’s staff to assist him in finding the rightful owner.

Employees contacted the cousin of Zhou’s niece, who had been the initial person to buy the ticket, and she then ferried the message on to Zhou’s niece. In a trail of happy communications, Zhou’s niece then made it to the bus station where she discovered the teen still waiting for her.

Zhou’s niece warmly relayed the events, “I met the young man at the bus station at around 5 p.m. and received the wallet from him.” 

“He was already waiting for me at the station at that time, for about an hour.”

Zhou expressed his heartfelt wish to be able to thank the teen in person, his niece was able to arrange a meeting the next day between the two of them.

80-year-old Zhou, wanting to display his appreciation, insisted that the teen accept a red envelope, a customary gesture of goodwill that contains money, yet the teen refused.

His niece recalls that Zhou was unable to hold back the happy tears after being so surprised and warmed by the teen’s kindness and conduct. 

The day of Zhou’s initial dismay turning into joy doesn’t end there, Zhou’s niece continued recounting the events of generosity and kindness, two complete strangers were also happy to go out of their way and give Zhou a lift back home after he had gotten off at the wrong bus stop. 

Zhou’s family will cherish the actions of the strangers towards their 80-year-old loved one for years to come.

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