Apr 27, 2020

Elderly Man Uses Chair To Protect His Wife From Teen Thugs

Three teenage boys have been charged after it was alleged that they broke into the home of an elderly couple while armed with knives.

The elderly couple was eating dinner at their home in Buderim on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast last week when the 71-year-old male homeowner got up top answer a knock at the door.

Upon opening the door, the elderly gentleman mas met by a group of teenagers who were armed with knives and demanding that the elderly gentleman hand over the keys to his car.

After having their threats refused, one of the teens barged into the home holding the knife, but the 71-year-old homeowner turned the tables on the would-be-attackers when he picked up a chair and began to threaten them.

In an interview with The Sunshine Coast Daily, the brother in law of the chair wielding gentleman describes he pickup up the chair in self-defence.

“One of them barged in with a knife but didn’t really threaten it,” he said. “That’s when he (the victim) picked up the chair and forced them out.”

The homeowner did not hit any of the teens with his chair, but he managed to hold them at bay while his wife called the police which led to the group of boys immediately fleeing the home.

The boys who were aged 13,14, and 15 were arrested in a nearby street only 15 minutes after the incident, and police managed to retrieve one of the knives from the elderly couples home.

Each of the boys has been charged with break and enter, stealing, and attempted robbery.


Photo Credit – iStock – PeopleImages – This image does not depict people/themes from within the body of the article.

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