A common trait of people living with dementia as their condition progresses can be that they often appear angry and are even known to lash out at their carers.
They can appear agitated and upset and even frightened.
While at first this anger might seem as though it is being directed at the carer for something they have done wrong, in reality, what you are seeing is a ‘fight or flight’ response.
The dementia patient’s brain is no longer hard-wired to accurately perceive how threatening a situation is.
Perfectly innocent actions can be perceived as highly threatening in a person with dementia.
In a healthy person, the amygdala part of the brain receives information from two sources – a direct route through the thalamus, and a longer route through the the thalamus and then through the cortex.
The information delivered through the thalamus triggers a fast response – the fight or flight response.
The information that flows through both the thalamus and then the cortex allows for an evaluation of the situation, and determines whether or not the situation is truly threatening.
In a person with dementia, the parts of the brain that control the perception of threat have deteriorated, and therefore perfectly innocent actions, such as being fed, can be perceived as highly threatening situations.
How to avoid triggering a fight or flight response in a person with dementia:
What to do if a person with dementia does become agitated and angry:
I have trouble reading your web pages because of the small grey scale print that can’t be enlagedb.
Your articles always are most interesting especially for the aged population, who may have failing eyesight.
Thank you for your feedback Marlene we will see if we can get this changed so it’s easier for you to read.
The team at HelloCare
My Husband was diagnosed with Dementia when he was 62 years old 2 years ago. The Donepezil did very little to help him. The medical team did even less. His decline was rapid and devastating. It was Memory loss at first, then hallucination. Last year, a family friend told us about Natural Herbs Centre and their successful Dementia Ayurveda TREATMENT, we visited their website naturalherbscentre and ordered their Dementia Ayurveda protocol, i am happy to report the treatment effectively treated and reversed his Dementia disease, most of his symptoms stopped, he’s now able to comprehend what is seen, sleep well and exercise regularly.he’s active now, I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you 💜.