Sep 08, 2020

Forty per cent of Victoria’s aged care coronavirus deaths in just 10 homes

The Guardian Australia has revealed that 40% of all aged care coronavirus deaths in Victoria have come from just 10 facilities.

According to the Department of Health, as of Monday, there had been 531 COVID related deaths in aged care. The 10 facilities with the highest number of deaths accounted for 228 of the total aged care coronavirus deaths.

St Basil’s Home for the Aged in Fawkner suffered the greatest blow, with 44 coronavirus deaths in their facility, followed by Epping Gardens Aged Care with 35. Twenty-two deaths occurred at a residential home in Delahey, and Twin Parks Aged Care in Reservoir and Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes in Kilsyth both recorded 20 deaths.

According to the Guardian Australia, the federal Department of Health has yet to confirm these numbers, however the Victorian Department of Health confirmed that they were correct as of late Monday.

As numbers continue to fluctuate across the state, it is important that we all continue to do our part in stopping the spread, and follow public health orders and social distancing regulations. By working together, we can come out of this.

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