May 12, 2021

Grandmother’s terrifying reaction after receiving first dose of COVID vaccine

Grandma vaccine

Maureen DeBoick was rushed to hospital two weeks after receiving the vaccine.

The first sign of a problem was a large spot on DeBoick’s tongue, which quickly spread to swelling and bruising all over her body, according to reports in The Daily Mail.

Pictures taken by DeBoick’s family show the 80-year-old grandmother’s hands are badly swollen and bruised.

Other parts of her body are similarly affected.

DeBoick is currently being treated in Perth’s Fiona Stanley Hospital, which has reported her condition is stable. She is expected to remain in hospital for some time and may have to have her spleen removed, 7News has reported. To watch the video, click here

For now, DeBoick’s family is grateful she is still alive.

DeBoick has delayed receiving her second dose of the vaccine while the West Australian Department of Health tries to determine if it was indeed the vaccine that caused the illness.

Blood clots

Recent data from the Therapeutic Goods Association shows that headache, muscle and joint pain, fever and pain at the site of injection are the most common side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

There have been 11 reports of blood clots and low blood platelets that are “likely” to be linked to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, the TGA states. So far, there have been more than 1.4 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine given. 

The period for developing the rare blood clots is between four and 20 days after receiving the shot.

Patients are advised to go to a hospital emergency department if they are experiencing persistent symptoms like headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting, shortness of breath, or blurred vision.

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  1. How many more deaths and injuries from this dangerous mRNA technology do we have to witness before more people wake up? And why is it called ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and not vaccine awareness?

    1. Kirk – AstraZeneca is not mRNA! It is actually the mRNA vaccines (like Pfizer) that appear to be safer.

      However this story seems to me to be totally inappropriate, acting as a scaremongering for a case that has not actually been proven to be linked to the vaccine!

      That said, it is yet another symptom of the government’s incompetence that they locked us into AZ because it could be readily manufactured here, and didn’t do deals to get enough of alternative vaccines as most countries did.

      And worse, when it became evident that there was a safety issue, decided to give the riskier vaccine to older people on the dubious grounds that they were at higher risk of dying or becoming seriously ill from COVID, which at least in the current environment is not actually the case (though admittedly the situation could change rapidly if we reopened our borders, or an outbreak of community transmission got out of control again).

      What they should have done in my view is stop all distribution of AstraZeneca in Australia until more is known about who is at risk of getting blood clots etc; prioritise Pfizer to those most at risk of getting or transmitting the disease (ie frontline quarantine workers, health care etc, then aged and people with disabilities) and only then worry about vaccinating the rest of the population.

      The AZ we are manufacturing could be redirected to countries where the risk of dying really does outweigh bloodclot and other potential adverse effects, such as India.

      And in the meantime, start doing more deals as every other vaguely competent government has done, and put money into urgently developing the capacity to manufacture mRNA vaccines here now (not in several years time!).

      Some rare side effects are probably inevitable with a new medication, so as to be able to pivot to them when it became apparent that there were safety and efficacy issues (in relation to emerging variants).


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