Jul 15, 2024

How To Change Home Care Providers

Are you interested in changing service providers for your home care package? [Shutterstock]

Like with any service, you’re free to change your Home Care Package provider at any time, whether your situation changes (for example, you’ve moved to a new area), you want to pay less fees, or you aren’t satisfied with your care. 

If you’re thinking of switching to a different provider, here are six tips to ensure the process goes smoothly, with minimal interruption to your services.

Find your new provider before cancelling your current one

If you can, decide which Home Care Package provider you’d like to switch to before leaving your current one, so you can make a smooth transition without leaving a gap in your services. If you’re not sure who to switch to, perhaps identify what’s important to you – service quality, a personal approach to care, minimal fees, flexible hours – and use those values to make your decision.

You might also want to consider switching to a self-managed Home Care Package provider rather than a traditional one. This option allows you to choose your own carers and schedule services when it suits you, while saving money on management fees. You can even bring your current carers and services with you, so there’s no interruption to your care.

Check the exit terms in your current home care agreement

Before cancelling your services, make sure you check the terms and conditions in your agreement with your current provider. Most agreements include the notice period you’ll need to provide, any exit fees you might have to pay, and other conditions for ending your services.

Inform your provider when you want to stop receiving their services in writing

You can tell your provider that you intend to cancel their services in person, but it’s best to also provide formal written notice of the date this will occur, and get written confirmation from your provider agreeing on this date. 

Your provider should also give you a statement that specifies any unspent funds from your Home Care Package that will be transferred to your new provider within 70 days of your agreed end date. Any fees you’ve paid in advance will be refunded to you.

Re-activate your Home Care Package referral code

As well as informing your current provider, you’ll need to contact My Aged Care and let them know you are changing providers. You can do this online through the My Aged Care portal or by calling 1800 200 422. Your Home Care Package referral code will then be re-activated, and you’ll need to give it to your new provider so you can start receiving their services.

Sign a Home Care Agreement with your new provider

The final step is to sign a Home Care Agreement with your new home care provider. It’s their responsibility to help you understand the terms of the agreement, and you can ask any questions if anything is unclear.

If you haven’t yet chosen a provider when you cancel your services, you’ll have 56 days from the date your services end with your current provider to enter into an agreement with a new provider before your Home Care Package is withdrawn. If you need more time, you can ask My Aged Care for an extension.

Reach out for help if you need it

Changing providers can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. You can call My Aged Care for assistance, get help from family or friends, or speak with an advocacy group that can guide you through the process.

Trilogy Care offers self-managed Home Care Packages that give you choice and control over your care while saving you money on management fees. If you’d like to speak to someone about switching to a self-managed provider, please call our team on 1300 459 190.

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