Sep 17, 2019

Ita Buttrose – Dementia Action Week, Dementia Australia

HelloCare spoke to Ita Buttrose, AC OBE a member of the Dementia Australia’s panel, about how to tackle discrimination against people who are living with dementia.

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  1. Love Ita interview – she is an amazing woman. However WHY is the interviewer looking at her phone while speaking to Ita Buttrose? It was very rude and distracting. Gosh how embarrassing – it looked awful and goes against every polite axiom we have in modern society!


Research Shows You’re More Likely to Get Dementia if Having Annoying or Unreliable Relatives

Dementia is one of the greatest health threats to our senior generation, though it hasn’t become relegated to just being older. While 342,000 Australians now live with dementia, the numbers show 5% of this population deal with it under the age of 65. Despite all of us knowing how diffuse dementia has become, we don’t always... Read More

Communication Strategies: Connecting With Someone Who Has Dementia

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