Sep 11, 2024

Older Blind and Low Vision Australians Seeking Specialised Home Care Support

As more older Australians choose to age at home, shying away from early entry into residential aged care, they’re looking for better ways to be supported in the home. [Shutterstock]

An estimated one in ten people aged 65 and over are blind or have low vision in Australia, resulting in serious impacts on their independence and mobility.

Yet as more older Australians also choose to age at home, shying away from early entry into residential aged care, they’re looking for better ways to be supported in the home. This can challenge people with limited family or friendship networks who can offer informal support.

Sixty-seven-year-old Boris Katic has Glaucoma and due to his vision failure, he finds it harder even to do simple home chores.

“I struggle with everyday tasks, and I’m scared to even do simple tasks like make a cup of coffee because I don’t have support,” Boris shared. 

“It’s so easy for me to slip and fall, and I don’t have the ability to clean something up if, let’s say, I spill coffee on the floor.” 

His vision has gotten progressively worse in the past two years, so he has had to stop grocery shopping. He has one friend who can help him grocery shop but only once a fortnight.

Meghan Hird, the Home Care Packages Business Lead for Vision Australia, said research shows that roughly 40% of older Australians need some assistance with everyday activities at home.

As a result, she said the organisation has seen an increase in older people reaching out for support at home as they age. 

“As Australia’s population ages, conditions like vision impairment and blindness become more prevalent, particularly among older adults,” she said. 

“Older people facing vision loss or living with vision impairment encounter various challenges that can significantly affect their daily lives, independence, and emotional well-being.”

Some of the key difficulties include: 

  • Loss of independence: Tasks such as cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and even personal grooming can become more challenging. This often leads to a reliance on others for basic activities, which can feel disempowering.
  • Difficulty navigating the home and environment: Moving around safely becomes harder with vision impairment. Hazards like stairs, furniture, and slippery floors pose greater risks for falls or injuries, especially when someone cannot see obstacles clearly.
  • Difficulty managing medications and healthcare: Correctly identifying medication becomes a challenge, while a loss of independence can result in poorer self-care or infrequent healthcare checkups. 

To combat these challenges, Vision Australia provides a range of home care and support services tailored to help older individuals with vision impairment live independently, offering assistance with everyday activities, mobility, technology training, and emotional support.

“Specialised home care services play a crucial role in helping older people with vision impairment manage their daily lives, remain independent, and maintain their well-being,” Ms Hird added. 

“A tailored home care vision program provides personalised support specifically designed to meet the unique needs of older adults with vision impairment. By addressing the individual’s specific challenges and circumstances, these programs can have a profound impact on their quality of life, independence, and safety.”

These services provide a range of supports, with home care providers able to develop individualised care plans that meet specific needs. They can also focus on daily living assistance and the most appropriate assistive technology for people with vision impairment, including the likes of:

  • Screen readers and magnification software for computers and smartphones.
  • Voice-activated devices to manage daily tasks like checking the weather, setting reminders, and making calls.
  • Smart home technology like automated lighting, voice-controlled locks, and appliances that make it easier to live independently.

Ms Hird added that home care services often include orientation and mobility training to help people learn to safely navigate their home, which can include being supported by a guide dog, to reduce the risk of falls. 

Anyone over the age of 65 with a vision impairment is encouraged to explore the potential of a home care package as it can help them to remain at home for longer while still maintaining independence and confidence. 

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