Passionate home care worker wins Queensland’s Caregiver of the Year

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Home care worker Nicole Morton being congratulated for her winnings. [Source: Moreton Daily]

A Queensland carer motivated by the grief of losing her father and brother to jump into the profession has won Queensland’s Caregiver of the Year.

Having lost her father in 2019 after a heart breaking battle with bowel cancer and then her brother in 2022, Margate’s Nicole Morton was determined to help others receive the care they deserve at home. 

The mum-of-two wanted nothing more than to have her father cared for at home but it was sadly not an option for her. 

Nearly three years later, Mrs Morton provides in-home care for Home Instead Brisbane North and Caboolture.

Personal and aged care runs in the Morton family – Mrs Morton’s mother worked in aged care for 30 years and her aunties still working in the field.

“What sparked my passion for this work was caring for my late father,” she told The Courier Mail

Mrs Morton was one of the four finalists from across the country in Home Instead’s national CAREGiver of the Year Awards and placed first at the gala night in Sydney last week. 

At the gala, Mrs Morton told a story about a new client who told her she felt immediately comfortable and at ease only five minutes after entering her home. 

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Mrs Morton with her award. [Source: Moreton Daily]

Mainly caring for older people, Mrs Morton understands the struggles they go through, often battling severe illness or grieving the loss of a long-time partner.

“The best thing is making a difference in their lives, giving them that independence […] There’s so many that look forward to my visits.

“They basically can’t wait for that day, I offer that companionship.”

Home Instead Brisbane North and Caboolture representatives Robyn Knox and Roxanne Green said Mrs Morton went above and beyond with every one of the services she provides clients.

“The care she offers our clients comes straight from her heart,” Ms Green said at the gala.

“Nicole works with clients and families that are extremely complex. But with her commitment, dedication and devotion, Nicole continues to provide them the absolute best service, all while maintaining a wonderful, positive, happy and approachable attitude.”

Mrs Morton expressed the honour she felt to be nominated and win an award for doing something she enjoyed so much.

“We have so many amazing carers on our team and I am thrilled to have won the Queensland accolade,” she said.

“It’s not just a job to me, I come from a family of aged care workers and we have always just wanted to help others.”

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  1. Yes she’s not alone in that. I lost my mother and I had looked after her and my father for the last ten years of their lives checking they were ok and taking them with us when we were going somewhere. My husband was agreeable to me doing this. And that’s when I started caring for other elderly people in their own homes as my employment having worked in offices the earlier part of my life. There was no one available to do this work when my parents needed this assistance so I looked after them and continued working in offices part time. The hourly rate and Molly ent conditions were really bad but the job satisfaction was immense. The best job I ever had and the worst treatment I got from the employers I ever had as well. So this lady is not alone there are hundreds of women doing this work in the aged care home help sector. I done this work for part time for 21 years. Loved the companionship of other workers made life long friends doing it and would do it again if need be.


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