Jul 01, 2022

Peak bodies transition to unified aged care organisation

Peak bodies transition to unified aged care organisation

Major aged care peak bodies, Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) and Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA), have joined into the new overarching aged care industry organisation, Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) from today.

Both ACSA and LASA are excited for this new chapter in representation for the aged care sector through this transition to a collaborative organisation for all aged care providers.

Paul Sadler, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ACSA and Interim CEO for ACCPA, says it has been a privilege to serve and work for ACSA over the last ten months and is looking forward to leading the transition to ACCPA.

He believes that over the time of ACSA, it has been an important representative voice for the sector and assisted in improving quality care to older Australians and better conditions for the workforce.

“With the support of ACSA’s members, we have made the decision to transition into ACCPA in order to strengthen our voice and our advocacy as we continue to hold the Federal Government to account on their aged care commitments,” explains Mr Sadler.

“Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the journey so far. I’d like to especially thank all ACSA members, our staff, and board members past and present, for the vital role they have played. I look forward to their ongoing contribution.

“This major change is just the beginning and I’m proud to be here from the outset as interim CEO.

The merger of the two provider peak bodies is in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission recommendation of the need for a unified body to steer and advocate for all aged care services and providers in its Final Report delivered in early 2021.

“Our joint advocacy with LASA and faith-based aged care providers through the Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) saw aged care become one of the dominant issues in this year’s Federal Election,” says Mr Sadler.

“What our achievements with the AACC have cemented is that purposeful collaboration is a powerful tool to lead aged care into its next phase.”

LASA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of six years, Sean Rooney, says he has been proud to support the industry in his position and believes the new organisation unification will provide a leading voice in the sector.

“Our goal has always been to drive the development of LASA into becoming a high-performing, national peak body and respected leader in the sector,” explains Mr Rooney.

“Our promise to members of ‘a strong voice and a helping hand’ is emblematic of what we have been able to achieve over the past decade in our work in supporting providers of aged care and services to older Australians.”

Mr Rooney adds that he believes that ACCPA is the best structure to bring once-in-a-generation reform to the aged care sector, as set out in the Final Report from the Royal Commission.

“As we face the continuing challenges of the pandemic and reshaping reform of aged care emanating from the Aged Care Royal Commission, ACCPA will be a unified and strong advocate for our members, whilst also providing valuable supports for members as we strive to deliver all the care and services older Australians need and deserve,” Mr Rooney said.

During the transition of ACSA and LASA into the new ACCPA structure, Mr Rooney will be leading the Transformation Management Office up to September. He then intends to leave the organisation but does not have any plans set as of yet.

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  1. LASA has proved itself irrelevant and not up to the job, ACSA was also unable to address the chronic underfunding and government neglect in almost ten years. Combining the two won’t change anything. They will simply wait and see and then give themselves a big old pat on the back but it won’t be deserved.

    Neither associations put up any effective fight when payroll tax was introduced, they were useless when long service leave was outsourced, despite two years notice they did nothing to assist facilities with government NDIS demands and owners had to fight alone.
    I was a member for two decades but not any more.


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