Aug 22, 2016

Seven Tips for Staying Healthy as we Grow ‘Bold not Old’

Sometimes it can be more difficult for older generations to stay on track with their health. And with more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 a day and our population aging, it’s important to keep as fit as a fiddle (as much as possible anyway)! So here are seven top health tips for seniors:

Plan meals in advance

Planning ahead gives you the ability to weigh up the nutritional benefits of each meal to come. This means that you’ll avoid those unwanted fats and oils that are so easily ingestible when eating out, and you’ll know exactly what’s going in your body. Thinking about meals ahead of time can help ensure that you’ll get the right balance of fruit and vegetables, as well as keeping the waistline in check!

Stay active

Don’t worry, you don’t need to run a marathon to stay healthy! But it’s good to get out and about as much as possible, if you can. Not only will this give you a bit of desired vitamin D, but exercise can increase your blood flow, reduce stress, help with more regulated sleep, prevent falls, and just all round help you to feel better.

Stay up to date

If you can, try to have all of your regular scans and tests as routinely as possible. For example, mammograms and prostate or skin cancer checks can occur fairly frequently and are a good thing to stay on top of. Also, dental and vision check ups are important so that you can maintain healthy teeth, gums and sight.

Minimise stress

The American Psychological Association has proven that high stress levels can be directly correlated to various physical ailments in a recent study. In fact, it can not only trigger high blood pressure but can also affect the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, hormones, the nervous system, and reproductivity, to name a few. If you want to stay as far away from stress as possible, try taking up a pastime such as yoga, or simply give yourself time to relax at the end of every day. Deep breaths and exercise are also a great way to calm the brain.

Prevent falls by considering

Accidents can cause bone fractures, splinters, or even breaks, which obviously aren’t ideal! Wearing supportive footwear is a good way to prevent trips, as being barefoot can increase the likelihood of an accident. Also, try to remove any hazards like electrical cords on the floor, and plug in a night light for use when it’s dark. Leaving things on the floor isn’t a good idea!

Get insured

This may seem self explanatory but it’s important to take out private health cover so that you aren’t paying in full for every little thing. Even on the cheapest cover, things such as dental appointments, physio, optometrists, as well as remedial massages can all contribute to a healthier lifestyle or frame of mind. If you aren’t sure where to begin, have a look at health insurance policies for over 65s.

Try to get adequate sleep

Looking after yourself is one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy. Little things like staying in touch with family and friends, and going to bed at a regular time, means that your body should get the love it needs to recover and keep itself well. Remember that health is also mental so sleep is definitely one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Staying healthy as a senior doesn’t necessarily have to be the scary or daunting task that it may seem to be. With just a few lifestyle changes, you can stay on top of your body as much as possible!

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