Jul 05, 2018

What is Shingles and will you get it?


Seqirus™ is a trademark of Seqirus UK Limited or its affiliates. Seqirus (Australia) Pty Ltd. ABN 66 120 398 067, 63 Poplar Road Parkville, Victoria 3052. Date of preparation June 2018. SEQ/ZOST/0318/0295a


New tool positive step in helping operators tackle chemical restraint

A new self-assessment tool to help operators reduce the use of psychotropic medications in aged care facilities has been well received by the industry, and there are hopes more similar tools will be rolled out in the future. Chemical restraint is a hot-button topic in aged care at the moment, following shocking revelations both in the... Read More

A brief discussion of the needs of a LGBTQ+ person with dementia

In the UK  there are no accurate statistics on LGBTQ+ people living with dementia. However, it is estimated that there are approximately 1.2 million older gay and lesbian people in the UK. This approximation demonstrates that there is a need for services such as care settings to recognise the needs of a gay or lesbian... Read More

Inside Australia’s first home designed specifically for people with early-onset dementia

Equipped with one staff member for every three residents, Kambera House was designed to empower the lives of people living with early onset dementia by bridging the gap between aged care and disability services. Read More