May 15, 2019

Supporting the development of your aged care workforce

Both sides of politics have laid down plans for workforce training and development ahead of the 18 May federal election, which means now could be a good time for aged care organisations to look at where potential opportunities may lie.

What is the Labor party offering?

The Labor party has allocated $1 billion in its budget plan to boost vocational training and the TAFE system, which Bill Shorten says will create 150,000 new apprenticeships.

Labor says this would include covering upfront fees for 100,000 vocational students, up to 20,000 of which will be in the aged and disability care sectors.

The ALP has also stated it will explore ways to improve the standards of dementia training.

What are the Liberal party’s plans?

The Liberal party is set to create 80,000 new apprenticeships, and will invest in developing training programs in conjunction with industries, including health services and therefore aged care.

There is talk the Liberals will also support the development of acute dementia care training.

MAS National helps organisations navigate workforce development

It’s encouraging to see both sides of politics have laid down plans for workforce training and development. Whatever the election outcome, the environment is likely to be positive for recruiting and developing aged care staff.

Some of the revelations coming out of the royal commission point to poor training and skills, making the election pledges particularly pertinent to the aged care sector. A better educated workforce is urgently needed in aged care, staff need to be developed and upskilled, and the industry needs to move away from the casualised workforce it has come to rely upon.


Finding the most cost-effective route to workforce development

As an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider, MAS National works with employers, including those in aged care, to develop and create plans to build robust workforces.

With it looking as though the training environment will receive a boost no matter the election outcome, MAS is well placed to help organisations build workforce plans suited to their specific workforce needs.

MAS works with organisations to develop traineeship programs that not only attract new people to the industry, but also to upskill existing workers, thereby helping to establish and build committed, caring and skilled staff.

MAS can also help organisations identify training funding and incentives available to employers from a variety of sources, ensuring the most cost-effective plans are achieved.

Building a workforce for the future

With the royal commission identifying that the workforce needs to triple by 2050 to keep pace with Australia’s ageing population and both sides of politics having announced key initiatives to help the sector improve their workforce – the future looks bright for aged care providers.

Now is the time to open the dialogue about your workforce development needs, start planning for the future and learn how to unlock the benefits outlined from both parties for your advantage.

To find out more about how MAS National can help you, contact them on 1300 627 628 or

Image: Flickr.

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