Apr 13, 2023

Suspects charged over home invasion murder of 86-year-old grandfather

Suspects charged over home invasion murder of 86-year-old grandfather

The family of an 86-year-old grandfather killed in his own home nearly three years ago is one step closer to closure after two men were arrested by police and charged with murder.

Kalim Saliba was a prominent Sydney businessman and orchard owner, but on April 29, 2020, he stood no chance when two men broke into his home at midnight with the intention of stealing valuable items.

Mr Saliba suffered serious head injuries as he defended his 83-year-old wife, Josephine, during an attack that police described as brutal and horrific.

Both Mr and Mrs Saliba were taken to hospital following the attack, where she recovered from her own head injuries, while Mr Saliba sadly passed away following the heroic actions that saved his wife’s life.

At the time, police had no direct leads to the suspects, which ultimately led to police offering a $1 million reward for information in December 2021.

Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty said the information gained from the reward helped lead to invaluable information and almost three years to the day, detectives arrested 33-year-old Danny Stephen at Castle Hill and 58-year-old Tony Tadrosse at Silverwater.

“We have pieced together what police will allege is a strong circumstantial case against these two men and this is the first step of a long judicial process,” he said.

“Police allege a blunt instrument was used to cause serious head injuries to both husband and wife.”

Mr Tadrosse was reportedly already in jail, allegedly on drug supply offences.

It’s believed the suspects both had a family connection to the elderly couple, and Detective Doherty said police allege it was a targeted robbery.

“They would have seen him as an easy target for money. It also demonstrates how callous, craven and cowardly this act was, picking on an elderly couple in their own home,” Doherty said.

“This was committed on two elderly, vulnerable people in their own home.”

Homicide Squad detectives have charged both men with murder and specially aggravated break and enter to commit a serious indictable offence. They were denied bail when they appeared in court on Wednesday.

The Saliba family have expressed their gratitude for the hard work of the NSW police. 

“We have full confidence in the investigation team and appreciate their support and hard work,” the family said in a statement.

“This has understandably been a traumatic and emotional time for our family.

“We lost a treasured family member, and continue to grieve the loss every day.

“While the courts process is underway, our family requests privacy at this time.”

Mr Stephen and Mr Tadrosse are expected to return to court in June.

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