Jun 23, 2019

The Power of Music for Resident’s in Aged Care

The Power of Music for Resident’s in Aged Care

Australians who were born during the 1920s, ’30s, ’40s and early ’50s, had classical music as the soundtrack to some of their life’s greatest moments. Bringing this music back into their lives on a regular basis can have some amazingly positive benefits.

Elderly Australians like to be entertained just as much as every other age group in the country, and when you take into account the prevalence of depression and social isolation that many older people currently experience, you begin to realise just how important a role meaningful and engaging entertainment can play in their overall wellbeing.

Our friends at ABC Classic are offering the HelloCare Community a special exclusive offer 20% off all Classic 100 CD releases, quote code ‘CLASSIC100OFFER’.

Call (02) 4782 9697 or visit www.ClassicsDirect.com.au to see the full range of ABC Classic CDs available.

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