Jan 11, 2019

The Weekly WRAP 11/1/19

It’s almost hard to believe, but we are already nearing the halfway point of the first month of 2019, the team here at HelloCare would like to wish our readers an extremely healthy and happy new year.

This week we kicked things off for the year with a number of inspiring and well-received articles that got our audience talking back to us. The topic with the most overwhelming response was an article about a seemingly life-changing model of care known as ‘The Butterfly Model.’

This article highlighted the implementation of the Butterfly Model in a trial that was held within a nursing home within the U.K. And the unbelievable impact that it has had on residents within the home.

This unique way of approaching care is based on learning about each resident as an individual in order be able to understand and empathise with their emotions and figure out what causes good and bad emotions.

This innovative approach started with a thorough examination of staff within the facility to ensure that they had the right personality as well as the skill set, and the results have seen residents who would previously never speak, actually engage and begin to communicate and smile.

You can learn more about this life-changing approach to care and read the story in full here:


We also had the pleasure of getting to know an extremely inspirational woman this week, a feisty yet absolutely charming 87 year old by the name of Lilliane Brady.

Lilliane is NSW’s longest-serving female mayor, boasting a decorated career that spans over 35 years as a local councilor and includes her current ongoing tenure of 18 years as mayor of a rural mining town called Cobar in rural NSW.

Lilliane has used her grit and determination over the years to do amazing things, one of which was to successfully lobby the government into building a nursing home within the town of Cobar, after seeing a dear friend in town have to be moved elsewhere due to the lack of care facilities and ultimately dying alone and away from home.

Lilliane shared her thoughts on everything from aged care and elderly stereotypes, through to her own achievements and plans for the future.

And you can hear more from this amazing woman by reading the story in full here:


The name Janet Anderson might not sound too familiar right now, but given her newly appointed role as the head of the new Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, it’s probably safe to say that it may soon be.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is the result of combining the functions between of both the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency and the Complaints Commissioner.

And an article from earlier this week, Janet Anderson explained that she will be utilising her role at the newly formed an independent agency to streamline regulations and also to better support both the aged care consumers and providers.

According to Janet, this new agency “won’t have some of the subtle barriers which may have existed previously,” and that her job will be “to hold aged care providers to account, the quality and safety of the care and services they deliver.”

And you can hear more from Janet and her plans for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, by reading the full story here:


HelloCare publish fresh content on a daily basis and you can view these articles along with many others at www.hellocaremail.com.au

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