Feb 24, 2020

Anonymous worker calls out culture of laziness in aged care


I worked in two aged care facilities in Tasmania as a kitchen hand, cleaner and also laundry.

When I got the job I was over the moon. I loved the work, but loved the elderly more.

I am not a fan of nursing homes, but with my compassion and love I thought I could make a difference in the end stage of life for someone’s mother or father.

I was a casual mostly working between 10-12 shifts a fortnight, which was never a problem. I never turned work down. 

The first facility I was at, carers would love to complain there was not enough staff , but I do not believe this as they were always quite a few, not all, who would just dwardle around, or you would find them chatting while the residents’ room-bells were going off.

I was fast at my job and tried to never waste time so that way if a resident wanted me to spend an extra minute with them I could. My bond with residents was high and I always thought ‘what if this was my mother or father, how would I like them treated?’ I thank them from the bottom of my heart. I was raised right. Remember we will all grow old one day. 

Prior warning given before accreditation audits

On the subject of accreditation, in the facility I was at, the CEO/DON at the time would come and warn the areas as soon as they were informed of an inspection, so staff knew the date they would be about. It was never a random turn up, which it should have been, because that’s when the real truth comes out, especially if they acted like they were just visiting a family member.

In the four-and-a-half years I was there, as soon as we were told accreditation was coming our supervisor would be constantly on our back – clean this or clean that, make sure it is spotless and all the paperwork is done. As I knew my job on all shifts inside out, I made a point of saying but why now? If we are all doing our jobs properly and signing the paperwork at the end of each shift which says we did it, then it should always be done. 

Many times I was called the ‘OCD’ (obsessive compulsive disorder). As I run my own food business, I know how important it is for things to be in order and right. Please do not think I am saying I am perfect, as I am not and I would often say to my supervisor that I have no issue helping anyone, but when it is abused because they know you won’t dare leave until it is done, it was not right. 

But the problem is, many supervisors get too friendly with some staff, and it’s like ‘can you do this or that because such and such’. No, we were not understaffed, they were lazy. 

So yes, accreditation was always passed because everyone knew when, so all were on best behaviour and certain staff were off on the days of it. I and a couple of others who worked in the homes were told if we get stopped and ask questions, make sure you answer with ‘all good’. I said, ‘well you best pray they don’t ask me, as I will not lie’. Then I was kindly reminded I was a casual.

Trouble in the kitchen

Meals were below standard in the facility with non-certified cooks cooking. Many times, in utter disgust, I would see fingers going into food and the worst was one of two large trays of bread and butter pudding was being taken out and was dropped on the floor, our floors had the gritty non slip surface, and you could imagine the mess. I remember saying I could not help clean it up as I had to go collect dishes, but could help once back. The response was ‘they won’t know’, and it was scraped up off the floor and dished. I said ‘you cannot do’, that and then was told “remember you’re a casual -we will say it was your doing, not ours’.

Kitchens are fast paced, and the whole facility runs to the kitchen. To my utter disgust, when I got back, all 80 sweets were done and placed to the side ready to go on the trays as soon as they had been cleaned and reset. 

I knew then I was trapped between a rock and a hard place as I had only been there a year at that stage where the others had been there many years. Many times I was told to shut my mouth or else. Many times when delivering the meals I would whisper to the residents, ‘please do not eat that, I will slip something extra to you at afternoon tea’.

As far as care staff were concerned, if I were the CEO I would have fired them long ago. I recall doing supper – and this was not just an isolated incident, it was many times – residents would ring their bells or call out ‘I need to go to the toilet’. I would go rouse up a carer and say ‘Mrs ABC needs help to go to the toilet’. They would say ‘she can wait, it’s once every two hours’ or you would get them saying loudly outside the residents room ‘do you cross a bridge on your way home from work, because if you do, take her and throw her in the river’. It was never nice. 

I had seen them rough handling many residents and heaven forbid if the resident told them off or said they would report them. On a few occasions, the residents would tell me things that happened and I said write it down and file a complaint and ask to speak to the CEO. I really cannot say what or if there was any outcome, I knew my job was on the line all the time for advising residents of what to do. I had one care staff come right up in my face and was told she would love to belt me up if I did not shut up. That carer is still there, known for her attitude and nastiness toward many residents. They have their favourites for sure.

Residents were over-medicated

In the secure wing (for residents living with dementia) that broke me many times. The way they were treated, walking around with half-hanging-up nappy pants with poo coming through their clothing and heaven forbid if they got a little restless or noisy. Staff would write up their reports so that when the doctor came in a behaviour chart was put in place and their medication upped so when care staff just wanted to sit and do nothing that shift, they would just dose them up a bit more. This was ongoing. The RN’s, some, not all, had no issues doing this.

One day I had had quite enough and said how would you like this if this was your mother or father being treated this way, how would you like it if it were you? As we get older our body still feels sensations and urges and UTIs are quite common in the elderly so the urge/sensation to want to go to the toilet is normal. Whilst I do know a carer can not run back and forth 10 times an hour, they could always use other alternatives, but do not most of the time. So a question is, if you need to go to the toilet, what do you do? So, I am told I am stupid and to back off. Many residents cry out for being left on toilets for long periods of time. As much as I would cry many times on my way home from work at how residents are being mistreated, my goal was to get as many shifts as I could just to give them a smile and hope I helped make their day a bit better. 

I was never given a permanent shift as I was told I was too reliable a casual and so others, in fact 11 more, were given permanent shifts over me, although it was very rare for me to lack shifts. As I said, I worked between 10-12 shifts a fortnight, and once I did 17 straight shifts with no break, but I did not mind. 

Making the decision to leave

Nothing really changed over my time there. The abuse and ridiculing of residents continued and I was breaking inside from it all. I remember telling my parents that never while I was alive would they ever go into a nursing home. They said it was their choice to make, not mine, which I do respect, but thanking our Sweet Lord neither are in one as yet.

My reason for leaving – something I never wanted to do – was we had a CEO change and the new guy loved to flirt and make sexual remarks. Quite a few loved that attention, I did not. When asked to go see him, he made a passing remark and I said I do not find you funny and feel you’re crossing the line. He said you’re a casual here, right? I replied yes, I am for the last four-and-a-half years, and he said ‘well, you work too much, consider yourself from today forward one shift a week’. And all my shifts got dropped. 

I filed a complaint to the board and sadly nothing was done. I got another job at another facility within the week but was only there five months. I could no longer work there, as the next place was worse than the first with a CEO who is still there who does not like any bad news or conflict, but with many foreign workers who can barely speak a drop of English, bad attitudes and power trippers over just a cleaner and laundry worker I could take no more, and left. 

When I handed in my resignation letter which included an explanation as to why I was leaving, the letter I received back basically said I am sorry you left. I did not know, it’s sad to see you go. My letter was not good, and I stated things were very bad there. I guess you could say I was gobsmacked at my response letter. That facility is now under investigation.

One more point is that the more high care residents they had, the more money they got. It was amazing how many lower care residents became high care fast for this reason. This was discussed many times in meetings at my first aged care home. 

The author wishes to remain anonymous to protect her identity.

Article has been lightly edited for readability.

Image: fizkez, iStock. Model is posed, stock image.

Please note: These are the views of the author only and do not represent the views of HelloCare.


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  1. YIKES! I’m glad the facility I work in isn’t like that one.

    The staff here, mostly, work their butts off every shift. Of course you do get the occasional staff member who doesn’t like to work, but we swiftly begin the performance management process & if there is no improvement we performance manage them right out the door.

    Our food is wonderful & prepared by a fully qualified chef with decades of experience in five star hotel kitchens across the world & he is assisted by kitchen staff who have each been in the hospitality industry for over a decade prior to moving into aged care. We get constant compliments from residents & their guests regarding the quality of meals & the only complaints we have ever had were with regard to portions being too large & the residents feeling guilty about the waste.

    The bad news about aged care is so widely reported, as it should be, but lets not forget about all the dedicated staff who love their jobs & the facilities putting quality resources into the care of their residents.

  2. Thank you for your article. My heart goes out to you. I am a dietitian in aged care and I see good and bad. Unfortunately the sort of attitudes you mention do exist in some places and, like you, I am extremely concerned. Food can be good, but unless every staff member is working with the attitude of making every mouthful one of enjoyment and treating residents with the dignity and respect they absolutely deserve, even good food prepared by chefs can be wasted and nutrition compromised. I, and the elderly I support, rely on staff to be ‘with me’ in this, even when I am not there. After all, for many food is the only highlight in their day! I know lots and lots of fabulous caring staff like you but sadly I do see some of these issues too. I am able to alert organisations to some issues during menu and dining audits, but not always.
    I’m so sorry you have had this experience and hope you will be able to find a position where you are appreciated for your commitment and care.

    1. I love my job as an AIN and have been working for 8 yrs for the same company. One of the largest ones in an affluent part of Brisbane. I have witnessed appalling attitudes towards the elderly from management to RNs to AINs. It seems to have leveled off at the moment but I am like an Elephant I can’t forget the bad times! Scurrying around when they know an audit is approaching and to the degree of getting admin and staff from nearby facilities to get onto the floors!! ACFI, so they can get more money for “problem residents”. I have a large family of 4 children. 2 studying, one just out of high school and another in yr 10. Nobody pays board as we want them to succeed in their chosen fields and not to struggle in the near future as there will be nothing much to give them when my husband and I can’t work anymore. Leading me to the appalling pay that most aged care workers aquire. Be honest. Who can afford to live on $23.00 an hour in this economic climate. Thank goodness I have a husband that earns 4 times that! So my wage is actually just a side kick. Enough for food for the fortnight, petrol, private healthcare and that is where it truly ends. I always need to dip into my husband’s account days before my next pay packet. We have been going backwards financially like so many these days. Oh if only I had worked in a government hospital!! Almost $30 per hr for an AIN!! Who I might say only look after 1 to 4 patients compared to our 4 wards of 17 residents on a night shift on 2 different levels!! Quiet often it is one person working 4 wards when someone calls in sick which is often! So much for the professionalism of “Staffing Services based in Melbourne. They couldn’t run a “chook farm!” As a matter of fact staff are encouraged to “swap” with someone rather than take a sick day. Or else go online and bud for shift. So why have Staffing Services? I have taken 8 days sick in 8 yrs ( old school work ethic) and have probably been paid for 4. One single sick day 3 times a year without a doctors certificate! Right? Wrong! They ask you in Melbourne what your illness is and will you be getting a doctor’s certificate. Well I say to the I don’t need a Dr’s certificate for one single day. Guess what? I don’t get paid!!! Since hardly anyone joins a union and most are foureigners on visas the company has us all by the short and curlies. Over the whining! All I ask is for fair conditions and a fair pay for all who work so hard in the aged care system. And to stop using AINs to pick up the slack for the cleaners, the kitchen staff, the laundry and RNs ( med comp)

  3. Our place is better than it was when I started 8 yrs ago. Believe me it was dreadful! In an upper middle class suburb. I won’t go onto details but if I had known what to expect in my first yr I would never have considered Aged Care as a profession. I am a great worker and am known for my hard work. I come from a time when you never took a sickie unless you were dying! And I could do the work of 3 people! I sit with my residents and hug them and tell them I love them but it still doesn’t cut it when your pay is so mediocre $23.00 an hour and goes up only 50cents every 3 years! Very hard for me to find a job in my late 40’s and with 6 of us at home impossible to leave atm. 2 adult children studying full time a 3 not sure what he wants to do yet at 17 and a 4th in yer 10. My poor husband will be working until he drops as nobody pays board as we agreed they can finish their university courses first before paying board. They all work part time. So I don’t have any plans at leaving but I am absolutely frustrated at the appalling hourly pay people in most aged care facilities dole out for so many wonderful AINs and nurses not to mention the 2 cleaners we have for a 230 bed facility, the one and only maintainence man and the kitchen staff that are always so short the “multi skilled” aims are always used to pick up the slack leaving vulnerable elderly cares on the back burner! Whinging aside I love my job but I truly believe I am grossly underpaid as are all other staff in the industry. I am sick of all the “Lip Service” in the ongoing saga of issues in the aged care sector because that is all it is,”Lip Service”!

  4. Again it is the Care Staff, yes there are some lazy ones Today is my 3 12hr shift straight doing meds in 4 houses of 50 residents, also taking care of a house with 15 residents and being team leader answering the phone, checking who is ringing at the door and assisting other workers. We now have fully qualified cooks and the food is better. Stop throwing Care Staff under the bus. The good ones are leaving because of the abuse by families, residents, co-workers, management and society
    Who cares for the carers???

  5. Oh my Goodness, I read that with sadness. I too worked in a nursing home and witnessed the most horrific things. I went to my manager to complain and was told that she would make sure I would never work in aged care again if I took this any further.. broke my heart. I now work in the community sector..

  6. High praise to this anonymous worker for calling out the aged care facility where she worked.

    Everything this worker wrote was “identical” to my experience at the aged care facility where my mother “lived”.

    If you have staff saying, “I do not have time to do that”, or “I am on my own so I cannot help”, well it is not rocket science for the executive “to employ more staff” or at least better trained and more energetic staff……….

  7. Thank you to the author of this report. My Mum was in aged care in Hobart due to dementia and I had moved back there initially to look after her. I was close to the aged care so I would drop in unannounced. I saw things that I was not happy about, like her being left in her room in a high chair looking at the walls. I found her drugged up in the main area looking dreadful. I asked why she was there looking like this. I never got any real answers. I am sure that my Mum was given palliative care because she had fallen in the bathroom and hadn’t been able to get any help. Her hip was broken and I was NOT told about it. I suspected it and requested a hip xray to which I took her. When returning to the home I realised that the xray was of her neck!!?? what?? The palliative care was started within days of the xray. I was told she had pneumonia. I was on my own doing all this and didn’t realise the dirty underhanded moves these places make. I lost my Mum, and I don’t know who to talk to about it. Any suggestions would be helpful please because I don’t trust anyone to actually hear me out much less look into it. Oh how do I know she had a broken hip? I helped prepare my Mums body at the funeral home. I was told about it just in chit chat at that time. Now I’ll never forget how to tell if anyone has a broken hip that’s for sure. There’s more but I will leave it here for now. Thanks for reading.

  8. This seems like an employer response to be characterised as a worker, essentially putting all the blame and failings of aged care on the workers not greedy companies wanting to make a profit or surplus by cutting corners.

    Interesting that this article does not touch on poor wages or why the fictional character was employed casually or the issue of insecure work.

  9. I am so sorry you had to go through this and I totally understand how you feel.At the moment I am studying for agecare and hope I can help someone from getting hurt by nasty people who call them self a career. I am a big believer in God and he is looking over all of us and we all will get our time if we hurt who can not help them self.


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