Aug 20, 2020

Get it on and keep it on: tips for helping others wear their mask

Much like when listening to the safety directions on an airplane (if you can remember what it was like to fly!), it’s important to remember to make sure your mask is secure before helping those around you. 

But what happens when those who you are trying to help secure their mask are refusing or fidgety? Whether it’s your child, a resident or someone who needs a little help getting it on right, we’ve got some helpful tips for assisting people with wearing their face masks. 

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GPs welcome bulk billing boost for vulnerable patients

From November 1, a tripled bulk billing incentive began, said to help slow the decline in bulk billing for vulnerable patients and relieve pressure on hospitals, according to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Read More

Aged Care Residents Moved Due To Bushfire Threat

Bushfires have been burning all along Victoria’s south-west, and it’s forced people to leave their homes. This even includes aged care residents. Peat fires have been burning for several days now near Cobden, east of Warrnambool. The nearby Cobden Health is home to 55 aged care residents, had to be rehoused over the weekend. Peat... Read More

Unlock housing wealth to fix aged care

If we want to get serious about actually fixing our broken aged care system, we’ll need to start by confronting some hard truths. So here’s one: the aged care funding crisis is now so deep the government can’t realistically fix it with taxpayers’ money. To understand what I mean, take a quick look down the... Read More