Jul 06, 2017

Mundipharma Recognising Pain in People with Dementia Series 1

This will help people understand other causes of pain for people with dementia.

In older people, pain is often unrecognised and undertreated. Certain studies have estimated that between 45% and 80% of residents in aged care facilities have substantial pain that is undertreated.

P.A.I.N – What To Look Out For

For an older person, it can sometimes be difficult to convey they are in pain – especially if their ability to communicate is impaired. However, pain is often hard to hide and there are signs that you can look out for to better understand a person’s condition.

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Careers in Care: Cynthia Payne

Dr Maggie Haertsch, (PhD) recently sat down with her friend and colleague Cynthia Payne to chat about her career, how she went from personal care worker to CEO and how she helps guide other women who are making an impact in the aged care industry. Here is what she learned. Read More

Quality Commission resumes unannounced visits

In line with a COVIDSafe Australia guidance, the Commission has re-commenced conducting unannounced visits to aged care services. While we have undertaken risk-based site visits throughout the pandemic, as a temporary measure from 16 March 2020 we introduced a short period of notice (less than 48 hours) prior to visiting a site to minimise infection... Read More

Streamlining the auditing process for aged care assessments

  The implementation of new aged care standards on 1 July 2019 signaled a fresh start for aged care providers and for residents who longed to have more input in the way that their care was being delivered. The new standards gave providers greater autonomy, coupled with a responsibility to provide evidence of self-assessment. Part... Read More