Feb 13, 2020

Nursing home evacuated during the night after floods hit Sunshine Coast


Forty residents of an aged care facility in South East Queensland were evacuated overnight after torrential rain and flash flooding hit the region.

Coolum received more than 200mm of rain in a two-hour period yesterday, and the area was consequently affected by flash flooding and power outages. Coolum’s average monthly rainfall is 190mm.

Decision to evacuate came just before midnight

Two wings at Estia Mount Coolum aged care facility flooded during the night, and the difficult decision to evacuate was made just before midnight.

Twenty-four residents were relocated to Estia’s recently opened aged care facility in Maroochydore, while other residents were relocated to other wings within the home that were not affected by the floodwaters.

A small number of residents went to stay with loved ones. 

A statement from the company said residents are doing well today and are being looked after by familiar staff who followed them from Mount Coolum to the Maroochydore facility. 

“We are in close contact with the families of those residents who were relocated,” the statement said.

While the move was a coordinated effort with the Mount Coolum team, Estia also thanked local Ambulance, Police and Fire Services for their help with the evacuation.

Estia is continuing to monitor local conditions.

Damage extended across the region

The heavy rain and flooding caused extensive damage across the Sunshine Coast region. 

Several swift-water rescues were performed by emergency services, and an apartment block had to evacuated when its basement flooded.

About 2,000 Energex customers were affected by power outages. 

A woman was reported missing after last being seen walking near Gorge Falls in Tallebudgera Valley, and today police found a body that is believed to be that of a 75-year-old kayaker who disappeared in the floodwater.

More rain is forecast for the region this week, with the risk of more heavy falls and flooding.

Image: Jaykayl, iStock.

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