Our New Year’s Resolution for the Aged Care Industry!

Every year millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions for themselves, with personal goals and things they wish to achieve. But this year we thought we’d try something a little different and write up a list of things we’d like to see happen for the Aged Care Industry.

  1. Happier workers, happier residents
  2. Open minds – willingness to evolve, change and improve
  3. More transparency and open communication in the aged care industry
  4. Strategies to get more younger people into the aged care sector
  5.  More funding for training
  6. No workers lacking basic skills!
  7. Mandatory dementia management training for all care workers
  8. Better nutrition/Less malnutrition in the elderly
  9. For no elderly person to feel completely alone

What other changes do you want to see in the aged care industry?

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