Prince William caught on camera “flirting” with aged care resident

Prince William flirting aged care resident

During a conversation with 96-year-old Betty Magee, the manager of Queens Bay Lodge appeared to scold the Prince. 

“Could you stop flirting with my residents?” she said.

“Sorry,” replied William, laughing. 

The lighthearted moment was caught on film, and has been shared on the official Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Instagram account.

Prince William is seen happily touring the Edinburgh aged care home and eating ice-cream with the residents.

Duchess Catherine: “This is what happens when I’m not around!”

In a YouTube video interview after the sweet incident, Prince William and Duchess Catherine joked about the exchange – and Catherine revealed her feelings on the matter.

The interview featured the couple chatting with actors Emma Thompson and Emma Stone about a charity preview of the film Cruella for NHS staff. Thompson said she wanted to talk about hugging, prompting Prince William to tell his story.

“She’s in a care home with her daughter and I said, ‘If I do that, I’m going to be slapped on the back of the head for inappropriate social distancing.’”

“And she said, ‘I’ll have you afterwards then.’

“She was a right character,” he said, as they all shared a good laugh.

Duchess Catherine jumped in to say, “This is what happens when I’m not around!”

But Prince William provided a possible explanation for the flirtatious exchange. 

“She saw her way in,” he said, chuckling.

It’s lovely to see the royal couple engaging with older members of the community in such a lighthearted and fun way. We’re sure everyone at the aged care home enjoyed Prince William’s visit, and it gave them wonderful memories to savour – especially Betty!

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