Mar 07, 2018

Quality indicators – where next: what, why & who?

What do older people want in quality aged care services? Lauren Todorovic, CEO HelloCare Interviews Judy Gregurke, National Manager Aged Care Reform, COTA Australia about the Quality Indicators in Aged Care.  #agedcarequality18

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What Can Be Done To Train Better Quality Aged Care Workers? | HelloCare

Caring for the elderly is a huge responsibility, and as many aged care workers will tell you – a great honour. It’s about giving back to people who have given so much to our society. Aged care residents have worked hard to raise their families or build careers – they have each in their own... Read More

Who Should Be Held Responsible When An Aged Care Home Fails Accreditation?

From an outsider’s perspective, the current way in which the majority of sanctioned aged care providers deal with a publicised negative incident or a failure of accreditation standards are as follows: Firstly, remain silent for a while – because unless there is enough media scrutiny, nobody needs to know that you are unable to meet... Read More

The cost of unpaid care

If every unpaid carer in Australia decided that their contribution should be paid, we would have to come up annually with more than we spend on defence. Read More