Apr 29, 2018

Shingles – What does it have to do with Chickenpox?

Frequently asked questions about Shingles:

HelloCare is joined by expert Professor Tony Cunningham

Professor Tony Cunningham is an infectious diseases physician and a researcher in viruses and vaccines as the Executive Director, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research and the Institute’s Centre for Virus Research; Professor of Research Medicine, Sydney Medical School; Sub-Dean (Research), Westmead Clinical School – HIV and Mucosal Immunity Group.


If you would like more information then visit the Shingles website.

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Get to Know Jillian Slade

“It’s not just a job” A placement consultant looks for aged care accommodation for a person – but really it can be for any age, I’ve worked with younger people, I work with older people, people with dementia, people with no family. But what I like to think of myself is more of an advocate,... Read More

Residents interviewing aged care staff – are we there yet?

Lauren Todorovic, CEO, HelloCare – interviews Mark Sewell CEO Warrigal Care about the inspiring approach to supporting seniors in aged care. Mark shares how residents living in the aged care facility are involved with the process to recruit staff. What do you think? And is this something your home would consider? The interview was part... Read More

“I Wish We Had Someone Like You Here”

In the first half of this year, Meaningful Ageing Australia is offering seminars in regional locations across Australia. Each host organisation chooses a topic that meets the learning needs of their staff. The majority of hosts have chosen ‘Spiritual Care in a Diverse World’, ‘Supporting Older People in the Transition to Aged Care’ or ‘Death,... Read More