Aug 31, 2021

“So sweet”: Grandfather travels 4,000km to surprise grandkids after lockdown

Grandpa reunited with grandkids

One of the most difficult aspects of the pandemic has been the forced separation from loved ones, particularly older family members who are often left isolated and lonely by lockdowns.

But on the flip side, family reunions provide an opportunity for joy, and are a time when loved ones can simply rejoice at being in each other’s company once again.

Better still, the reunion is captured on video and the joy can be shared, as occurred when one grandfather travelled 4,000km to surprise his grandchildren when they came home from school one afternoon.

The much-loved grandfather sat on the front porch of his grandchildren’s home and was there to greet the kids as they stepped off the school bus.

The children screamed with delight as they hugged their grandfather, and – unable to contain their joy – ran a lap around the garden.

The video concludes with the boys returning to their grandpa for a loving embrace, surrounding their grandfather with love.

The grandfather flew from the state of Georgia in the US to Fairfield, Connecticut, just to see his two adoring grandsons.

The video has been seen by more than 10,000 viewers and has attracted hundreds of comments.

“This is so sweet! Hope they enjoy their time with grandpa!” one viewer commented when the video was shared by Good New Correspondent.

“The one little guy was so happy and excited to see him that he needed to do a lap and run it off! Lucky Grandpa. Lucky Grandkids,” said another.

“Seeing a dear person like a Grandpa after a very long time brings out immense happiness in innocent children. Unlike the elders, they cannot contain themselves. It bursts out spontaneously,” said another.

For some, it reminded them of loved ones still absent due to lockdowns.

“I miss my Grandpa,” one viewer wrote.

Many said the joyous video was just what they needed while there is so much negativity in the news.

“Needed this today … thanks!” one wrote.

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