Mar 23, 2016

The Best Medicine, is Simply ‘L-O-V-E’

Love Lives Here a documentary filmed in an American residential ‘memory care community’ as they refer to it in the States, preferring this term over your typical ‘nursing home’ or ‘aged care facility’ as we frequently refer to them in Australia. The community is owned and operated by provider Silverado that takes the core operating philosophy of love. Silverado recognises the value of the human spirit and demonstrates that memory impairment does not mean the end of a purposeful, rich life.

The short twenty-five minute film released to the public last week which was directed and produced by award-winning Australian filmmaker Corinne Maunder and executive produced by American photographer and sociologist Dr Cathy Greenblat.

The film was shot at four different Silverado communities in California and features interviews from key people within the community involved in creating the warm and inviting environment: from residents, to family members, staff and even dementia care experts.

Video Caption: Silverado Memory Care- Love Lives Here, Produced By Corinne Maunder


The community integrates activities that promote engagement, enjoyment, creativity and through meaningful activities such as including painting, Spanish class, tai-chi, singing, dancing, swimming, pet care, community outings, cooking, gardening, digital workshops with iPads and even activities that combine intergenerational involvement with children.

Silverado have over thirty ‘memory care communities” throughout the United States of America. Each unique in their own way yet still managing to “in still and nurture this culture of love across all their communities, not for just one but all of them is truly something remarkable”, says Dr Greenblat. Silverado has a unique approach that as a direct result gets residents doing “things that the top neurologists in the world said was impossible, creating an ideal opportunity which presented an ideal opportunity to create a thought provoking piece about dementia care,” says Dr Greenblat.

The film is truly inspiring. To watch the care staff through to the leadership team and residents themselves all speaking the same positive messages about the care they provide or receive is a true testament to the model of care initiated by the Founders from day one.

Co-Founder Loren Shook says “All of us at Silverado are committed to changing the way the world cares for and perceives people with cognitive decline – a vision we established at our founding 20 years ago”. “If there’s one message I’d like families to take away, it’s that a dementia diagnosis does not mean the end of a meaningful and purposeful life. Laura Printy, who is an administrator in the community was captured on film saying “Life can change, but life doesn’t stop when you move into Silverado”.

Through to the filmmaker Corinne, whose observations of what she was filming said “by focusing on a more holistic approach to care, residents can thrive, while maintaining their sense of self and dignity”. Corinne, initially inspired by her grandmother’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, developing an interest and desire which lead her down the pathway of filming people with the disease.

Love Lives Here is the third installment in the documentary series. To see more of Corinne’s films visit Fire Films One of our other favourite films is ‘Finding the Why’ – Starrett Lodge, Uniting Care


What are your thoughts about referring to ‘nursing homes’ as ‘memory care’ communities?

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