May 11, 2019

24 Hour Nurse – A Mother’s Day Story

24 Hour Nurse: A Mother’s Day Story

It’s a beautiful thing that International Nurses Day coincides with Mother’s Day this year, Nicky Hondros, a palliative care nurse shares her and her mums heart felt story and provides a little glimpse into what it’s like caring for someone living with dementia.

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Fatal Flu Outbreak: Aged Care Homes Criticised for “Unacceptable” Behaviour

Winter 2017 saw one of the worst flu outbreaks in many years. There were a record number of deaths, affecting everyone young and old – the youngest flu victim was a primary school child. And though most years find that a number of aged care residents will die during flu season – this year those... Read More

Dear Dan, where are the 4,000 ICU beds that you promised?

Victorian hospitals have hit record numbers for COVID hospitalisation, but the 4,000 ICU beds that Premier Dan Andrews promised almost two years ago are still nowhere to be found. At what does the Premier need to take some responsibility for Victoria’s never-ending Covid nightmare? Read More

Could an Early Sign of Dementia be Personality Changes?

Receiving a diagnosis of dementia can be devastating for individuals and their families. In addition to facing the prospect of mental decline, people in the early stages of dementia may begin to display personality changes and differences in behaviour. Fortunately, individuals with dementia can be active participants in their care if the disease is diagnosed... Read More