Nov 24, 2018

All Things Technology In Aged Care, From Food Quality, IOT and Social Connectedness

Modern technology can be daunting for some elderly people. Are we potentially leaving those older people behind that can’t access the interweb? Hear from Peter Williams, CEO, Centre of the Edge, Deloitte #ITAC2018

Forgetting appointments and contacts is often an early symptom for people with dementia. What research is being done to help people remember their daily activities? Hear from Professor Anthony Maeder, Flinders Digital Health, Flinders University #ITAC2018

Food quality is often one of the most talked about topics in aged care and can be a cause for many complaints. Hear from Nava from SoupedUp Solutions Pty Ltd about how technology is can bring great choice and dignity back to residents. #ITAC2018

Vital Call are using nano technology (&grandpa too) as a replacement for floor mats which are apparently becoming outdated now as they potential can be more of a trip hazard… It was great to hear from the Vital Care Team.

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New blood test can instantly diagnose pain using colour

For some patients, such as those with advanced dementia or the very frail and ill, it can be difficult to know if they are suffering pain because they are not able to communicate it. But that might be about to change, with a new blood test being developed by Australian scientists that will allow medical professionals... Read More

How can we keep aged care workers safe from harm?

There is a growing awareness of the safety risks that nurses, including aged care workers, face in the workplace. WorkSafe Victoria recently reported that up to 95% of healthcare workers had experienced a verbal or physical assault while at work. A global study by the International Council of Nurses said nurses are more likely to... Read More

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