Oct 11, 2021

How to adopt a care culture where residents are involved in a meaningful way

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Is your technology generating a task culture instead of a culture that embraces residents’ feedback?

Technology is a tool that needs to serve their masters and assist those wanting a more “embracing” culture.

The tools need to serve different stakeholders – the tool a carer needs when providing support on the ground is different from the tool a manager needs or the resident/client themselves.

Apps are more suited for staff who need to access information, quickly view all care needs and goals of the resident/client, and record clinical and lifestyle outcomes of care provision at the point of care.

An app is more suited to a resident/client who needs to advise staff of their preferences, contribute to their goals and care planning, communicate with and obtain feedback from staff, and give such to others viewing their profile.

A manager needs to view all data in a screen instantaneously to see if it is relevant, and be alerted to key issues as and when they occur, i.e. vital signs outside of ranges, escalating monthly stats (infections, wounds, incidents) and key outstanding actions needing attention.

Many organisations adopt care cultures where residents are involved in a meaningful way in decision making, such as those who adopt Eden Alternative principles or similar.

But technology can also be utilised to embed that culture by ensuring staff are linked to residents who are connected to allied health and care professionals, including registered nurses and care managers.

Artificial intelligence monitoring tools can also aid data collection, comparing usual movements and patterns of behaviour with current displays of behaviour.

Ensuring a culture of care is about enabling staff, residents and families/loved ones to provide details ‘at the point of care’ to aid the timeliest accurate decision making.

Our role is to empower residents/clients to contribute to their own life and story so their needs are embedded in all daily practices, so that quality care can be the outcome of daily actions.

To support that goal, meaningful data collection is paramount. Who is the author of such meaningful data? Residents, loved ones, staff – all staff. AI monitored actions.

Embedded workflows in your software that can be configured/modified and added by you can ensure your organisation’s culture of care is reflected in the daily alerts and triggers your software advises.

And these tools all need to communicate instantly to each other and be updated by you, so the app reflects instantly all the changes you have made in your software – featuring congruent tools built from the same platform but that serve the different audiences that need to use the tools.

That is helpful technology!

Organisations need to be the masters of their destiny and control, to modify and deploy the systems that enable them to reflect the culture wanted.

When systems can be changed, immediately the culture in the organisation changes, enabling staff and residents to be supported from the start of every day to achieve the care culture needed now!

Leecare ensures you achieve that goal.

The decision to implement a senior care platform or switch from an existing system may feel like a daunting process. Let Leecare put you at ease.

To find out more or to request a demo, visit Leecare’s website here.  

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