Jul 25, 2017

Interview with the Minister of Aged Care, Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP

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  1. It is so refreshing to see such constructive engagement on the aged care sector from the minister in an honest and open environment and not always sensationalism that gov and media give us! Keep it up and show us more on innovation and positive real developments and improvements!


100,000 still waiting for home care

New figures released today reveal more than 104,000 older Australians are stilling waiting for the home care package they have been approved for. These shocking figures follow the Aged Care Royal Commission’s interim report which called the long waiting times older Australians faced for home care ‘neglect’. The new data confirms the Morrison Government’s response... Read More

7 Question You Need To Ask When Looking For Aged Care

It’s never an easy decision, deciding that a loved one needs to move into aged care, but sometimes it’s a necessary one. Sometimes the reality is that they cannot live in their own home anymore, or it’s just not possible for the family to care for them. It’s a difficult process that the older person... Read More

Mundipharma Recognising Pain in People with Dementia Series 1

This will help people understand other causes of pain for people with dementia. In older people, pain is often unrecognised and undertreated. Certain studies have estimated that between 45% and 80% of residents in aged care facilities have substantial pain that is undertreated. P.A.I.N – What To Look Out For For an older person, it can... Read More