May 18, 2020

Two Aged Care Homes In Melbourne Are Now in Lockdown

Two aged care facilities in Melbourne are now in lockdown after it was revealed that residents tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday. 

In an interview which aired on radio station 3AW, a senior nurse from HammondCare Caulfield revealed that a resident had tested positive to the virus yesterday but a second test from this morning came back negative.

Despite the second test coming back negative, HammondCare is treating the case as if it was positive and implementing broad testing throughout the rest of the facility.

The nurse also revealed that the Department of Health was notified about the positive case and was providing the facility with ongoing support.

Meanwhile, families of the residents living at Lynden Aged Care in Camberwell yesterday received letters informing them that a resident at the facility has tested positive for COVID-19.

Both facilities are now in Lockdown.
Photo Credit – iStock – Creativaimages

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