May 05, 2021

Does penis size decrease with age?

HelloCare has chosen to write about this issue because it does impact the lives of older men as they age. Many may not be aware that this could even occur until it happens, it can be incredibly debilitating and impact one’s dignity.

There is much to be celebrated about growing older. We become wiser. We are more comfortable with ourselves, and are less likely to worry over trifles. We may live a slower-paced life, giving us more time to pursue activities we enjoy, or more time with loved ones.

But, as we know, there are also many downsides to ageing.

One of those downsides is that penises can decrease in size with age.

For men living in aged care, “penis shrinkage’ can create real problems. It can mean they might urinate on the floor when they are using the toilet, or they might have difficulty using a bottle.

As a consequence of these difficulties, men will often resort to using incontinence pads.

Understandably, these issues can impact men’s self esteem, and they may feel they are the only ones with the problem.

However, penis shrinkage is a common issue in aged care, and it’s important for men to know they are not alone in having to cope with this situation.

Why does penis size decrease with age?

From around the age of 40, many men begin to observe a decrease in their penis size.

Sometimes, the decrease in size is simply how the penis appears, it is not actually a decrease in size.

For example, weight gain can make mens’ penises appear smaller, though in fact, the penis size remains the same. Because the penis is attached to the abdominal wall, when the belly expands, the penis is pulled inwards, making it seem shorter.

But most of the time, penis shrinkage is permanent.

As men age, they produce less testosterone, which can contribute to a decline in libido and also penis size.

Ageing also tends to increase fatty deposits building up in the arteries, causing reduced blood flow to the penis. As a result, the muscle cells in the erectile tubes inside the penis become weaker.

Scar tissue can also reduce penis size among older men, and can contribute to weaker erections. Scar tissue in the penis may arise from injuries acquired during sex and sport.

What can you do to avoid ‘penis shrinkage’?

If you are overweight, the main things you can do to return your penis to its former size is lose weight. Losing weight can add as much as 2cm to penis length according to some reports.

There are a number of other things you can do to keep your penis functioning healthily.

  • Masturbattion helps promote blood circulations to the penis and therefore reduces the risk of penis shrinkage.
  • Keep having sex.
  • Wear boxer shorts rather than briefs. Keeping the testicles slightly cooler than the body helps to prevent shrinkage.
  • Erectile dysfunction medications, such as Viagara, can promote blood circulation to the penis.
  • Exercise regularly to promote blood circulation through the body.
  • Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can restrict the flow of blood through the body.

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  1. Sometimes many staff may want to attend a Residents funeral BUT if some staff who want to go are rostered on duty it can be more than slightly difficult to replace those staff for the shift.
    If off duty staff want to go there SHOULD NOT be any problem.

  2. My penis shrink is embarrassing. It is so small now that is the size of a thumbnail. Makes peeing very difficult also.

    1. Frank.
      I am 72 years of age. Very often I dream of sex, quite often , very often, but in the real world , I have a 1 cm Penis that refuses to grow.
      I am actually gutted by this.
      Clearly my hormone levels are good, I am very interested in women.
      I was a smoker for 55 years, are over weight, and I know that there is no hope. I can also state this has ruined my marridge.
      Peeing, same as you.
      As a person, I have had to mussel up , accept where I am at, put my personal issues aside, get on with life.
      But I am still, so, so , disappointed, about what has been taken away from me, probably all my own fault due to life habits etc. but still taken away.

      But I have to live with it!!

  3. Hi my discussion issue is when man have healthy no.of children then he is getting old no matter what size is left the real is to be passionate how full of life matters related to handsome look or working formalities like wisdom habit with wife’s or happy feel to become grand father that is

  4. Thank you I feel now that is more common than I thought. Men’s penis size decrease. I go to the gym for 4/6 hours per week, I eat well , I am 69 years old with a good body for my age . would drinking affect my penis size. I masturbate often


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