Aug 09, 2022

Retirement village honours Aussie entertainment royalty

Retirement village honours Aussie entertainment royalty

The late Bert Newton, beloved Australian entertainer, has been honoured by retirement living and aged care provider Ryman Healthcare, who has named their new retirement village in Victoria after him.

More than 200 people gathered at the Sandringham Yacht Club last week for the unveiling event for the newest retirement village at Highett, Victoria.

Mr Newton’s wife Patti attended the event and said Mr Newton never wanted to be forgotten, and naming the retirement village after him immortalised his accolades and personality.

“I’m on the search for memorabilia to have within the village so you can always see his smiling moon face.”

Ryman Healthcare’s Victorian Sales and Community Relations Manager, Debra Richardson, said the company had been naming its villages after exceptional people for more than 30 years.

In the search for an outstanding Australian to name our Highett village after, it was impossible to go past Bert,” she said.

“We’re not just slapping a name on the front gate – we’re committing to creating something which stands as a living, breathing homage to that person’s life and legacy.

“The individual that we have chosen to honour at our Highett village, is an Australian we all felt we knew and we all couldn’t help but love.”

The late Bert Newton was known for the mark he made on television and radio for over 50 years – a quadruple Gold Logie winner and Logie Hall of Fame inductee.

He died in Prahran, Victoria on October 30, 2021, at 83-years-old.

Other Aussie icons Ryman Healthcare have named their establishments after Australian Football League royalty Charles Brownlow and Olympian Raelene Boyle.

The Bert Newton Retirement Village in Highett will include independent apartments, assisted living in serviced apartments and an aged care centre.

The village will be home to about 230 people when complete and the first lot of residents are due to move in next year.

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