Jul 16, 2019

Wound care in the real world of aged care

With more and more wound care taking place in a community setting, we sit down with Jan Rice, a wound care expert, to find out more about effective wound management in the real world of aged care.

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7 Question You Need To Ask When Looking For Aged Care

It’s never an easy decision, deciding that a loved one needs to move into aged care, but sometimes it’s a necessary one. Sometimes the reality is that they cannot live in their own home anymore, or it’s just not possible for the family to care for them. It’s a difficult process that the older person... Read More

“Help me help you”: Agency staff bullied in the workplace

When an agency worker turns up to work at an aged care facility they haven’t worked in before, everything will be new to them: the other staff, the residents, the layout of the building, where things are kept, and routines they need to follow.  Every new facility an agency staff member works in is like... Read More

Allo Allo! Actor Gorden Kaye Dies at 75

Gorden Kaye, the actor famous for playing Rene Artois in the hit series Allo Allo!, has passed away aged 75. Kaye passed away yesterday morning at an aged care home he had been residing in, as confirmed by his former agency. Airing on the BBC, Allo Allo! was a household favourite for 10 years during... Read More